Top Tips To Building The Perfect Chicken Coop

If you’re in the market to add a chicken coop to your property you won’t have to look far to find many pre-built designs, especially online. However, it’s a good idea to do some research before purchasing online housing for your chickens because there are some bad designs out there and it may become costly if you pick the wrong design.

Tips for building a chicken coopThis article will highlight some of the features to look for when seeking a solid chicken coop design. One thing to consider is a design that makes cleaning the chicken coop a breeze. Well-designed coops make it easy for you to keep up maintenance including those that have sloped floors and the ability to drain runoff. You should also look for those designs that allow the main door to open inside.

Another factor to consider is ventilation. Happy chickens are comfortable chickens and if the design plan you’re interested in offers the ability to easily open and close windows to the coop, you’re off to a good start.

Additionally, chickens prefer light, sunlight is the best. However, don’t be afraid to use light bulbs if sunlight isn’t always available. You want to keep your chickens cool on hot days and warm during cold winter temperatures.

Finally, make sure your chicken coop design creates as sturdy structure. You should consider getting a strong wire mesh to which not only keeps your chickens in a controlled environment but will also help keep predators out. Always plan ahead before building your chicken coop and if you purchase a plan or kit online, be sure to look for reviews to make sure others are happy with the same design.