DIY Chicken Coop Projects with Blueprints
Many people choose to use blueprints and build their chicken coops from scratch. That’s perfectly fine and is perhaps the best way to build a custom coop to precisely fit your needs.
However, not all plans are created equal. Before proceeding down that road you should have a clear idea of what you need, where you plan to build, and the budget you have to spend.
One of the first choices you are likely to be faced with is the type of materials to use. Your coop will be constructed from wood and wood rots. Pressure treated wood (PT) used for decking might seem like a good choice, but the pesticides used in those woods can find their way into your chickens, and ultimately in to you if you are consuming their eggs or meat.
Many builders opt for inexpensive softwoods and then apply a sealer such as a non-toxic preservative like Internal Wood Stabilizer from Timberpro.
One good strategy is to design your coop so you can easily dismantle it. That way you can simply replace rotten components as they occur without demoing your entire coop.
As for the plans themselves, you can find them almost anywhere. Certainly your local livestock supply center, but also home improvement centers. Amazon of course is an excellent source for entire books on chicken coop design and construction. You can even download your plans on a Kindle. We’ve provided several resources below for your convenience.
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